Robust analysis of ‘gene set’ activity in spatial or single-cell data.


4.1 runSGSA

Calculate the activity of gene sets in spatial or single-cell data with restart walk with restart and hyper test weighted. sceSubPbmc is a small SingleCellExperiment data set from pbmck3 which contains 1304 genes and 800 cells (extract randomly).

sceSubPbmc <- scuttle::logNormCounts(sceSubPbmc)
# the using runMCA to perform MCA (Multiple Correspondence Analysis)
# this is refer to the CelliD, but we using the Eigen to speed up.
# You can view the help information of runMCA using ?runMCA.
sceSubPbmc <- runMCA(sceSubPbmc, assay.type = 'logcounts')

CellCycle.Hs is the S and G2M gene list are from the Seurat which refer to this article (doi:10.1126/science.aad050), the G1 gene list is from the G1_PHASE of Human Gene Set in MSigDB, but remove the duplicated records with S and G2M gene list.

# Next, we can calculate the activity score of gene sets provided.
# Here, we use the Cell Cycle gene set from the Seurat 
# You can use other gene set, such as KEGG pathway, GO, Hallmark of MSigDB
# or TFs gene sets etc.
sceSubPbmc <- runSGSA(sceSubPbmc, gset.idx.list = CellCycle.Hs, gsvaExp.name = 'CellCycle')
## elapsed time is 1.090000 seconds
## elapsed time is 0.020000 seconds
## elapsed time is 0.030000 seconds
## elapsed time is 0.020000 seconds
## elapsed time is 0.020000 seconds
# Then a SVPE class which inherits SingleCellExperiment, is return.
## class: SVPExperiment 
## dim: 1304 800 
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): counts logcounts
## rownames(1304): LYZ GNG7 ... TAF1 TBRG4
## rowData names(0):
## colData names(2): seurat_annotations sizeFactor
## reducedDimNames(1): MCA
## mainExpName: RNA
## altExpNames(0):
## spatialCoords names(0) :
## imgData names(0):
## gsvaExps names(1) : CellCycle
# You can obtaion the score matrix by following the commond
sceSubPbmc |> gsvaExp('CellCycle') 
## class: SingleCellExperiment 
## dim: 3 800 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): affi.score
## rownames(3): S G2M G1
## rowData names(4): exp.gene.num gset.gene.num
##   gene.occurrence.rate geneSets
## colData names(2): seurat_annotations sizeFactor
## reducedDimNames(0):
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
sceSubPbmc |> gsvaExp("CellCycle") |> assay() |> t() |> head()
## 6 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##                           S          G2M           G1
## ACGAACTGGCTATG 8.912990e-04 1.626142e-05 7.207289e-06
## GGGCCAACCTTGGA 9.413528e-06 1.606825e-09 2.603956e-08
## ACGAGGGACAGGAG 1.416664e-05 1.025511e-04 7.967855e-04
## CAGGTTGAGGATCT 1.322563e-06 1.550434e-12 1.456777e-11
## CATACTTGGGTTAC 4.964354e-05 6.391833e-04 8.241869e-04
## AAGCCATGAACTGC 5.136016e-04 7.587088e-05 8.797016e-04
# Then you can use the ggsc or other package to visulize
# and you can try to use the findMarkers of scran or other packages to identify
# the different gene sets.   
sceSubPbmc <- sceSubPbmc |> 
                scater::runPCA(assay.type = 'logcounts', ntop = 600) |>
                scater::runUMAP(dimred = 'PCA')
# withReducedDim = TRUE, the original reducetion results from original gene features
# will be add the colData in the sce.cellcycle.
sce.cellcycle <- sceSubPbmc |> gsvaExp('CellCycle', withReducedDim=TRUE)
## class: SingleCellExperiment 
## dim: 3 800 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): affi.score
## rownames(3): S G2M G1
## rowData names(4): exp.gene.num gset.gene.num
##   gene.occurrence.rate geneSets
## colData names(2): seurat_annotations sizeFactor
## reducedDimNames(3): MCA PCA UMAP
## mainExpName: NULL
## altExpNames(0):
sce.cellcycle |> sc_violin(
                      features = rownames(sce.cellcycle), 
                      mapping = aes(x=seurat_annotations, fill = seurat_annotations)
                   ) + 

sce.cellcycle |> sc_feature(features= "S", reduction='UMAP')

cellcycle.test.res <- sce.cellcycle |> findMarkers(
                group = sce.cellcycle$seurat_annotations, 
                test.type = 'wilcox', 
                assay.type = 'affi.score', 
                add.summary = TRUE
## DataFrame with 3 rows and 16 columns
##     self.average other.average self.detected other.detected
##        <numeric>     <numeric>     <numeric>      <numeric>
## S    0.000615131   0.000889084             1              1
## G2M  0.000760345   0.000723091             1              1
## G1   0.000914127   0.000891885             1              1
##           Top     p.value         FDR summary.AUC
##     <integer>   <numeric>   <numeric>   <numeric>
## S           1 1.23356e-03 1.85034e-03    0.681366
## G2M         1 5.34716e-06 1.60415e-05    0.738194
## G1          1 1.70067e-02 1.70067e-02    0.354864
##     AUC.Naive CD4 T AUC.Memory CD4 T AUC.CD14+ Mono
##           <numeric>        <numeric>      <numeric>
## S          0.503904         0.425679       0.681366
## G2M        0.588138         0.496889       0.738194
## G1         0.401351         0.354864       0.504861
##     AUC.CD8 T AUC.FCGR3A+ Mono    AUC.NK    AUC.DC
##     <numeric>        <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
## S    0.400000         0.591453  0.238384  0.682437
## G2M  0.444444         0.556239  0.432323  0.701792
## G1   0.333333         0.394530  0.345455  0.513978
##     AUC.Platelet
##        <numeric>
## S       0.222222
## G2M     0.955556
## G1      0.977778

4.2 runLISA

hpda_spe_cell_dec is the result of runSGSA with HPDA A sample from (doi:10.1038/s41587-019-0392-8). Each item in the matrix is the marker gene set activity in the spot. The marker gene set represents the cell type. We can use svp the investigate if a cell type cluters and if two cell types appear in the same region. Usage of local indicators of spatial association (LISA) to identify the hotspot in the spatial space


# r$> assay(hpda_spe_cell_dec)[1:5,1:5]
# 5 x 5 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#                                             Spot1        Spot2        Spot3        Spot4        Spot5
# Acinar cells                         3.283881e-04 6.931743e-06 4.820951e-05 1.882577e-03 9.269843e-04
# Cancer clone A                       2.880388e-04 2.013973e-04 9.167013e-05 9.642225e-05 6.704812e-05
# Cancer clone B                       1.569730e-04 2.744810e-04 2.151324e-04 1.502651e-05 4.283322e-06
# Ductal APOL1 high-hypoxic            3.132481e-05 3.902286e-04 4.240874e-05 3.140970e-06 1.464118e-04
# Ductal CRISP3 high-centroacinar like 9.546611e-05 5.025320e-03 2.112512e-03 1.140155e-03 3.873088e-03

svres <- runDetectSVG(hpda_spe_cell_dec, assay.type = 'affi.score', 
                      method = 'moransi', action = 'only') 
## elapsed time is 0.070000 seconds
# r$> svres |> dplyr::arrange(rank) |> head()
#                                            obs expect.moransi sd.moransi Z.moransi        pvalue          padj rank
# Cancer clone A                       0.7086916    -0.00234192 0.02803920  25.35855 3.616015e-142 7.232030e-141    1
# Acinar cells                         0.6958980    -0.00234192 0.02788076  25.04379 1.020141e-138 1.020141e-137    2
# Cancer clone B                       0.6586104    -0.00234192 0.02803039  23.57985 3.102650e-123 2.068434e-122    3
# mDCs A                               0.5824019    -0.00234192 0.02760394  21.18334 6.801396e-100  3.400698e-99    4
# Ductal CRISP3 high-centroacinar like 0.5605955    -0.00234192 0.02794187  20.14673  1.437344e-90  5.749375e-90    5
# Endothelial cells                    0.5362475    -0.00234192 0.02757573  19.53128  2.976221e-85  9.920735e-85    6
lisa.res12 <- hpda_spe_cell_dec |>
     features = c(1, 2, 3), 
     assay.type = 'affi.score',
     weight.method = "knn",
     k = 10,
     action = 'get',
## List of length 3
## names(3): Acinar cells Cancer clone A Cancer clone B
lisa.res12[['Acinar cells']] |> head()
##                 Gi       E.Gi       Var.Gi       Z.Gi
## Spot1 0.0003594390 0.00234192 1.553580e-06 -1.5905315
## Spot2 0.0008854181 0.00234192 1.551111e-06 -1.1694717
## Spot3 0.0013421397 0.00234192 1.551438e-06 -0.8026710
## Spot4 0.0011632261 0.00234192 1.563140e-06 -0.9427625
## Spot5 0.0011940380 0.00234192 1.557730e-06 -0.9197108
## Spot6 0.0008942096 0.00234192 1.551895e-06 -1.1621191
##       Pr (z != E(Gi)) cluster.no.test cluster.test
## Spot1       0.1117150             Low       NoSign
## Spot2       0.2422136             Low       NoSign
## Spot3       0.4221649             Low       NoSign
## Spot4       0.3458024             Low       NoSign
## Spot5       0.3577239             Low       NoSign
## Spot6       0.2451871             Low       NoSign
lisa.res12[["Cancer clone A"]] |> head()
##                 Gi       E.Gi       Var.Gi      Z.Gi
## Spot1 0.0004249351 0.00234192 1.394101e-06 -1.623573
## Spot2 0.0003899767 0.00234192 1.393067e-06 -1.653793
## Spot3 0.0003702933 0.00234192 1.391701e-06 -1.671290
## Spot4 0.0004787373 0.00234192 1.391761e-06 -1.579331
## Spot5 0.0004788597 0.00234192 1.391386e-06 -1.579440
## Spot6 0.0005373218 0.00234192 1.393284e-06 -1.528836
##       Pr (z != E(Gi)) cluster.no.test cluster.test
## Spot1      0.10446707             Low       NoSign
## Spot2      0.09816948             Low       NoSign
## Spot3      0.09466441             Low       NoSign
## Spot4      0.11426017             Low       NoSign
## Spot5      0.11423509             Low       NoSign
## Spot6      0.12630517             Low       NoSign
colData(hpda_spe_cell_dec)$`cluster.test.Cancer.A` <- lisa.res12[["Cancer clone A"]] |>
colData(hpda_spe_cell_dec)$`cluster.test.Acinar` <- lisa.res12[["Acinar cells"]] |>
colData(hpda_spe_cell_dec)$`cluster.test.Cancer.B` <- lisa.res12[["Cancer clone B"]] |>
p1 <- sc_spatial(hpda_spe_cell_dec,
            features = rownames(hpda_spe_cell_dec),
            mapping = aes(x=x, y=y, color=cluster.test.Cancer.A),
            plot.pie = T,
            pie.radius.scale = .8,
            bg_circle_radius = 1.1,
) + scale_color_manual(values=c("black", "white"))

f1 <- sc_spatial(hpda_spe_cell_dec, features="Cancer clone A",
            mapping=aes(x = x, y = y),
            pointsize=10) + 
        geom_scattermore2(mapping = aes(bg_color=cluster.test.Cancer.A, 
                          bg_line_width = .16,
                          gap_line_width = .14,
                          pointsize = 7) +

f2 <- sc_spatial(hpda_spe_cell_dec, features="Acinar cells",
            pointsize=10) +
        geom_scattermore2(mapping = aes(bg_color=cluster.test.Acinar, subset=cluster.test.Acinar=="High"),
                          bg_line_width = .16,
                          gap_line_width = .14,
                          pointsize = 7) +

f3 <- sc_spatial(hpda_spe_cell_dec, features="Cancer clone B",
            pointsize=10) +
        geom_scattermore2(mapping = aes(bg_color=cluster.test.Cancer.B, subset=cluster.test.Cancer.B=="High"),
                          bg_line_width = .18,
                          gap_line_width = .14,
                          pointsize = 8) +

4.3 runLOCALBV

explore the local bivariate relationship in the spatial space.

res1 <- hpda_spe_cell_dec |> runLOCALBV(
          features1 = 'Cancer clone A', 
          features2 = 'Cancer clone B', 
res1[['Cancer clone A_VS_Cancer clone B']] |> head()

#        LocalLee           Gi       E.Gi       Var.Gi       Z.Gi Pr (z > E(Gi)) cluster.no.test cluster.test
# Spot1 0.2656572 0.0007993283 0.00234192 1.685012e-06 -1.1883644      0.8826551             Low       NoSign
# Spot2 0.1928726 0.0006520670 0.00234192 3.060135e-06 -0.9660035      0.8329788             Low       NoSign
# Spot3 0.2098906 0.0007134499 0.00234192 2.544445e-06 -1.0209003      0.8463492             Low       NoSign
# Spot4 0.2609793 0.0007131499 0.00234192 2.545557e-06 -1.0208654      0.8463409             Low       NoSign
# Spot5 0.1769749 0.0007300670 0.00234192 3.059710e-06 -0.9214789      0.8215998             Low       NoSign
# Spot6 0.1736672 0.0004656579 0.00234192 2.175086e-06 -1.2721999      0.8983489             Low       NoSign