16 dplyr verbs for manipulating enrichment result

de = names(geneList)[1:100]
x = enrichDO(de)

16.1 filter

filter(x, p.adjust < .05, qvalue < 0.2)
## #
## # over-representation test
## #
## #...@organism     Homo sapiens 
## #...@ontology     DO 
## #...@keytype      ENTREZID 
## #...@gene     chr [1:100] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...
## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05 
## #...28 enriched terms found
## 'data.frame':    28 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ ID         : chr  "DOID:0060071" "DOID:5295" "DOID:8719" "DOID:3007" ...
##  $ Description: chr  "pre-malignant neoplasm" "intestinal disease" "in situ carcinoma" "breast ductal carcinoma" ...
##  $ GeneRatio  : chr  "5/77" "9/77" "4/77" "4/77" ...
##  $ BgRatio    : chr  "22/8007" "157/8007" "18/8007" "29/8007" ...
##  $ pvalue     : num  1.67e-06 1.76e-05 2.18e-05 1.56e-04 2.08e-04 ...
##  $ p.adjust   : num  0.00064 0.00279 0.00279 0.0136 0.0136 ...
##  $ qvalue     : num  0.000461 0.002008 0.002008 0.009796 0.009796 ...
##  $ geneID     : chr  "6280/6278/10232/332/4321" "4312/6279/3627/10563/4283/890/366/4902/3620" "6280/6278/10232/332" "6280/6279/4751/6286" ...
##  $ Count      : int  5 9 4 4 13 6 13 5 5 6 ...
## #...Citation
##   Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, Qing-Yu He. DOSE: an
##   R/Bioconductor package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment
##   analysis. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(4):608-609

16.2 arrange

mutate(x, geneRatio = parse_ratio(GeneRatio)) %>%
## #
## # over-representation test
## #
## #...@organism     Homo sapiens 
## #...@ontology     DO 
## #...@keytype      ENTREZID 
## #...@gene     chr [1:100] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...
## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05 
## #...28 enriched terms found
## 'data.frame':    28 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ ID         : chr  "DOID:3908" "DOID:120" "DOID:2394" "DOID:3459" ...
##  $ Description: chr  "non-small cell lung carcinoma" "female reproductive organ cancer" "ovarian cancer" "breast carcinoma" ...
##  $ GeneRatio  : chr  "13/77" "13/77" "10/77" "10/77" ...
##  $ BgRatio    : chr  "431/8007" "455/8007" "312/8007" "383/8007" ...
##  $ pvalue     : num  2.08e-04 3.52e-04 7.54e-04 3.48e-03 1.76e-05 ...
##  $ p.adjust   : num  0.0136 0.01928 0.02625 0.04756 0.00279 ...
##  $ qvalue     : num  0.0098 0.01389 0.0189 0.03424 0.00201 ...
##  $ geneID     : chr  "6280/2305/9133/6279/7153/6278/6241/11065/10232/332/6286/3002/9212" "4312/6279/7153/3627/820/983/10232/6362/332/6286/9212/4321/6790" "4312/820/983/10232/6362/332/6286/9212/4321/6790" "4312/6280/6279/7153/4751/890/4085/332/6286/6790" ...
##  $ Count      : int  13 13 10 10 9 7 7 6 6 6 ...
##  $ geneRatio  : num  0.169 0.169 0.13 0.13 0.117 ...
## #...Citation
##   Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, Qing-Yu He. DOSE: an
##   R/Bioconductor package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment
##   analysis. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(4):608-609

16.3 select

select(x, -geneID) %>% head
##                        ID                   Description GeneRatio  BgRatio
## DOID:0060071 DOID:0060071        pre-malignant neoplasm      5/77  22/8007
## DOID:5295       DOID:5295            intestinal disease      9/77 157/8007
## DOID:8719       DOID:8719             in situ carcinoma      4/77  18/8007
## DOID:3007       DOID:3007       breast ductal carcinoma      4/77  29/8007
## DOID:3908       DOID:3908 non-small cell lung carcinoma     13/77 431/8007
## DOID:0050589 DOID:0050589    inflammatory bowel disease      6/77  90/8007
##                    pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue Count
## DOID:0060071 1.671524e-06 0.0006401937 0.0004609887     5
## DOID:5295    1.759049e-05 0.0027885022 0.0020079362     9
## DOID:8719    2.184205e-05 0.0027885022 0.0020079362     4
## DOID:3007    1.564603e-04 0.0136037018 0.0097957122     4
## DOID:3908    2.075001e-04 0.0136037018 0.0097957122    13
## DOID:0050589 2.131128e-04 0.0136037018 0.0097957122     6

16.4 mutate

# k/M
y <- mutate(x, richFactor = Count / as.numeric(sub("/\\d+", "", BgRatio)))
## #
## # over-representation test
## #
## #...@organism     Homo sapiens 
## #...@ontology     DO 
## #...@keytype      ENTREZID 
## #...@gene     chr [1:100] "4312" "8318" "10874" "55143" "55388" "991" "6280" "2305" ...
## #...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <0.05 
## #...28 enriched terms found
## 'data.frame':    28 obs. of  10 variables:
##  $ ID         : chr  "DOID:0060071" "DOID:5295" "DOID:8719" "DOID:3007" ...
##  $ Description: chr  "pre-malignant neoplasm" "intestinal disease" "in situ carcinoma" "breast ductal carcinoma" ...
##  $ GeneRatio  : chr  "5/77" "9/77" "4/77" "4/77" ...
##  $ BgRatio    : chr  "22/8007" "157/8007" "18/8007" "29/8007" ...
##  $ pvalue     : num  1.67e-06 1.76e-05 2.18e-05 1.56e-04 2.08e-04 ...
##  $ p.adjust   : num  0.00064 0.00279 0.00279 0.0136 0.0136 ...
##  $ qvalue     : num  0.000461 0.002008 0.002008 0.009796 0.009796 ...
##  $ geneID     : chr  "6280/6278/10232/332/4321" "4312/6279/3627/10563/4283/890/366/4902/3620" "6280/6278/10232/332" "6280/6279/4751/6286" ...
##  $ Count      : int  5 9 4 4 13 6 13 5 5 6 ...
##  $ richFactor : num  0.2273 0.0573 0.2222 0.1379 0.0302 ...
## #...Citation
##   Guangchuang Yu, Li-Gen Wang, Guang-Rong Yan, Qing-Yu He. DOSE: an
##   R/Bioconductor package for Disease Ontology Semantic and Enrichment
##   analysis. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(4):608-609

ggplot(y, showCategory = 20, 
  aes(richFactor, fct_reorder(Description, richFactor))) + 
  geom_segment(aes(xend=0, yend = Description)) +
  geom_point(aes(color=p.adjust, size = Count)) +
  scale_color_viridis_c(guide=guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) +
  scale_size_continuous(range=c(2, 10)) +
  theme_minimal() + 
  xlab("rich factor") +
  ylab(NULL) + 
  ggtitle("Enriched Disease Ontology")
Visualizing rich factor of enriched terms using lolliplot.

Figure 16.1: Visualizing rich factor of enriched terms using lolliplot.

A very similar concept is Fold Enrichment, which is defined as the ratio of two proportions, (k/n) / (M/N). Using mutate to add the fold enrichment variable is also easy:

mutate(x, FoldEnrichment = parse_ratio(GeneRatio) / parse_ratio(BgRatio))

16.5 slice

We can use slice to choose rows by their ordinal position in the enrichment result. Grouped result use the ordinal position with the group.

In the following example, a GSEA result of Reactome pathway was sorted by the absolute values of NES and the result was grouped by the sign of NES. We then extracted first 5 rows of each groups. The result was displayed in Figure 16.2.

x <- gsePathway(geneList)

y <- arrange(x, abs(NES)) %>% 
        group_by(sign(NES)) %>% 


ggplot(y, aes(NES, fct_reorder(Description, NES), fill=qvalues), showCategory=10) + 
    geom_col(orientation='y') + 
    scale_fill_continuous(low='red', high='blue', guide=guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) + 
    theme_minimal() + ylab(NULL)
Choose pathways by ordinal positions.

Figure 16.2: Choose pathways by ordinal positions.

16.6 summarise

pbar <- function(x) {
  pi=seq(0, 1, length.out=11)

  mutate(x, pp = cut(p.adjust, pi)) %>%
    group_by(pp) %>% 
    summarise(cnt = n()) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(pp, cnt)) + geom_col() + 
    theme_minimal() +
    xlab("p value intervals") +
    ylab("Frequency") + 
    ggtitle("p value distribution")

x <- enrichDO(de, pvalueCutoff=1, qvalueCutoff=1)
random_genes <- sample(names(geneList), 100)
y <- enrichDO(random_genes, pvalueCutoff=1, qvalueCutoff=1)
p1 <- pbar(x)
p2 <- pbar(y)
cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol=1, labels = LETTERS[1:2])
Distribution of adjusted p-values.

Figure 16.3: Distribution of adjusted p-values.