Chapter 6 KEGG analysis

The annotation package, KEGG.db, is not updated since 2012. It’s now pretty old and in clusterProfiler, enrichKEGG (for KEGG pathway) and enrichMKEGG (for KEGG module) supports downloading latest online version of KEGG data for enrichment analysis. Using KEGG.db is also supported by explicitly setting use_internal_data parameter to TRUE, but it’s not recommended.

With this new feature, organism is not restricted to those supported in previous release, it can be any species that have KEGG annotation data available in KEGG database. User should pass abbreviation of academic name to the organism parameter. The full list of KEGG supported organisms can be accessed via KEGG Orthology (KO) Database is also supported by specifying organism = "ko".

clusterProfiler provides search_kegg_organism() function to help searching supported organisms.

search_kegg_organism('ece', by='kegg_code')
##     kegg_code                        scientific_name
## 366       ece Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC)
##     common_name
## 366        <NA>
ecoli <- search_kegg_organism('Escherichia coli', by='scientific_name')
## [1] 65  3
##     kegg_code                        scientific_name
## 361       eco           Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655
## 362       ecj            Escherichia coli K-12 W3110
## 363       ecd            Escherichia coli K-12 DH10B
## 364       ebw                Escherichia coli BW2952
## 365      ecok            Escherichia coli K-12 MDS42
## 366       ece Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 (EHEC)
##     common_name
## 361        <NA>
## 362        <NA>
## 363        <NA>
## 364        <NA>
## 365        <NA>
## 366        <NA>

6.1 KEGG over-representation test

data(geneList, package="DOSE")
gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]

kk <- enrichKEGG(gene         = gene,
                 organism     = 'hsa',
                 pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
##                ID
## hsa04110 hsa04110
## hsa04114 hsa04114
## hsa04218 hsa04218
## hsa04061 hsa04061
## hsa03320 hsa03320
## hsa04914 hsa04914
##                                                            Description
## hsa04110                                                    Cell cycle
## hsa04114                                                Oocyte meiosis
## hsa04218                                           Cellular senescence
## hsa04061 Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor
## hsa03320                                        PPAR signaling pathway
## hsa04914                       Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation
##          GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust
## hsa04110     11/93 124/7932 1.799177e-07 3.544378e-05
## hsa04114     10/93 128/7932 2.188761e-06 2.155930e-04
## hsa04218     10/93 160/7932 1.613634e-05 9.988265e-04
## hsa04061      8/93 100/7932 2.028074e-05 9.988265e-04
## hsa03320      7/93  76/7932 2.745818e-05 1.081852e-03
## hsa04914      7/93  99/7932 1.502807e-04 4.934216e-03
##                qvalue
## hsa04110 3.465782e-05
## hsa04114 2.108123e-04
## hsa04218 9.766778e-04
## hsa04061 9.766778e-04
## hsa03320 1.057863e-03
## hsa04914 4.824802e-03
##                                                      geneID
## hsa04110 8318/991/9133/890/983/4085/7272/1111/891/4174/9232
## hsa04114    991/9133/983/4085/51806/6790/891/9232/3708/5241
## hsa04218     2305/4605/9133/890/983/51806/1111/891/776/3708
## hsa04061           3627/10563/6373/4283/6362/6355/9547/1524
## hsa03320                 4312/9415/9370/5105/2167/3158/5346
## hsa04914                    9133/890/983/4085/6790/891/5241
##          Count
## hsa04110    11
## hsa04114    10
## hsa04218    10
## hsa04061     8
## hsa03320     7
## hsa04914     7

Input ID type can be kegg, ncbi-geneid, ncbi-proteinid or uniprot, an example can be found in the post.

6.2 KEGG Gene Set Enrichment Analysis

kk2 <- gseKEGG(geneList     = geneList,
               organism     = 'hsa',
               nPerm        = 1000,
               minGSSize    = 120,
               pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
               verbose      = FALSE)
##                ID                 Description setSize
## hsa04510 hsa04510              Focal adhesion     188
## hsa04151 hsa04151  PI3K-Akt signaling pathway     322
## hsa03013 hsa03013               RNA transport     131
## hsa05152 hsa05152                Tuberculosis     162
## hsa04062 hsa04062 Chemokine signaling pathway     165
## hsa04218 hsa04218         Cellular senescence     143
##          enrichmentScore       NES      pvalue   p.adjust
## hsa04510      -0.4188582 -1.706291 0.001430615 0.02322097
## hsa04151      -0.3482755 -1.497042 0.002614379 0.02322097
## hsa03013       0.4116488  1.735751 0.003095975 0.02322097
## hsa05152       0.3745153  1.630500 0.003154574 0.02322097
## hsa04062       0.3754101  1.633635 0.003184713 0.02322097
## hsa04218       0.4153718  1.772207 0.003194888 0.02322097
##             qvalues rank                   leading_edge
## hsa04510 0.01576976 2183 tags=27%, list=17%, signal=23%
## hsa04151 0.01576976 1997 tags=23%, list=16%, signal=20%
## hsa03013 0.01576976 3383 tags=40%, list=27%, signal=29%
## hsa05152 0.01576976 2823 tags=34%, list=23%, signal=27%
## hsa04062 0.01576976 1298 tags=21%, list=10%, signal=19%
## hsa04218 0.01576976 1155  tags=17%, list=9%, signal=16%
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     core_enrichment
## hsa04510                                                                                                                        5595/5228/7424/1499/4636/83660/7059/5295/1288/23396/3910/3371/3082/1291/394/3791/7450/596/3685/1280/3675/595/2318/3912/1793/1278/1277/1293/10398/55742/2317/7058/25759/56034/3693/3480/5159/857/1292/3908/3909/63923/3913/1287/3679/7060/3479/10451/80310/1311/1101
## hsa04151 627/2252/7059/92579/5563/5295/6794/1288/7010/3910/3371/3082/1291/4602/3791/1027/90993/3441/3643/1129/2322/1975/7450/596/3685/1942/2149/1280/4804/3675/595/2261/7248/2246/4803/3912/1902/1278/1277/2846/2057/1293/2247/55970/5618/7058/10161/56034/3693/4254/3480/4908/5159/1292/3908/2690/3909/8817/9223/4915/3551/2791/63923/3913/9863/3667/1287/3679/7060/3479/80310/1311/5105/2066/1101
## hsa03013                                                                                             10460/1978/55110/54913/9688/8894/11260/10799/9631/4116/5042/8761/6396/23165/8662/10248/55706/79833/9775/29107/23636/5905/9513/5901/10775/10557/4927/79902/1981/26986/11171/10762/8480/8891/11097/26019/10940/4686/9972/81929/10556/3646/9470/387082/1977/57122/8563/7514/79023/3837/9818/56000
## hsa05152                                                                                                      820/51806/6772/64581/3126/3112/8767/3654/1054/1051/3458/1520/11151/1594/50617/54205/91860/8877/3329/637/3689/7096/2207/3929/4360/5603/929/533/3452/6850/7124/1509/3569/7097/1378/8772/64170/3119/843/2213/8625/3920/2215/3587/5594/3593/9103/3592/6300/9114/10333/3109/3108/1432/3552
## hsa04062                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3627/10563/6373/4283/6362/6355/2921/6364/3576/6352/10663/1230/6772/6347/6351/3055/1237/1236/4067/6354/114/3702/6361/1794/1234/6367/6375/6374/2919/409/4793/2792/6360/5880
## hsa04218                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2305/4605/9133/890/983/51806/1111/891/993/3576/1978/898/9134/4609/1869/1029/22808/3804/1871/5499/91860/292/1019/11200/1875

6.3 KEGG Module over-representation test

KEGG Module is a collection of manually defined function units. In some situation, KEGG Modules have a more straightforward interpretation.

mkk <- enrichMKEGG(gene = gene,
                   organism = 'hsa')

6.4 KEGG Module Gene Set Enrichment Analysis

mkk2 <- gseMKEGG(geneList = geneList,
                 organism = 'hsa')