Chapter 3 ๐Ÿšฉ Biomarker Evaluation

3.1 Integrate analysis

โ€ƒThe integrate_analysis() function returns the results of both the differential analysis and survival analysis for a gene or gene set within a dataset (or datasets).

integrate_analysis(SE=MEL_GSE91061, geneSet="CD274")
## $`Response vs Non-Response`
##    log2(FC)         P     Score
## 1 0.3162897 0.5257107 0.2792532
## $`Pre-Therapy vs Post-Therapy`
##     log2(FC)          P     Score
## 1 -0.8121796 0.01780415 -1.749479
## $Survival
##         HR          P      Score 
##  0.9203840  0.8175588 -0.0874810

3.2 Differential analysis

โ€ƒYou can use diff_biomk() to visualize differential analysis result between Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment patients or Responders and Non-Responders in a specified gene or gene set.

Pre-Treatment vs Post-Treatment

diff_biomk(SE=MEL_GSE91061,gene='CD274',type='Treatment') +
  ggtitle("Pre-Treatment vs Post-Treatment") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 

Responder vs Non-Responder

diff_biomk(SE=MEL_GSE91061,gene='CD274',type='Response') +
  ggtitle("Responder vs Non-Responder") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

3.3 Suvival analysis

โ€ƒYou can use diff_biomk() to visualize survival analysis result in specified gene.

P <- surv_biomk(SE=MEL_GSE91061,gene='CD274')
P$plot <- P$plot +
  ggtitle("Survival analysis") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

3.4 Calculate comprehensive signature score

โ€ƒBy employing the score_biomk() function, you can obtain a comprehensive signature score matrix for the 23 signatures in tigeR. In this matrix, the columns represent the signature scores, and the rows denote the sample names.

Signature Full Name Method PMID Cancer Type
IRS Immunosenescence-related gene signature Multivariate cox analysis 35280438 Urothelial Cancer
tGE8 Eight-gene cytotoxic T cell transcriptional signature Median of Z-score 31686036 Muscle-invasive Urothelial Cancer
MEMTS Metastasis related epithelial-mesenchymal transition signature Average mean 35769483 Gastric Cancer
PRGScore Pyroptosis-related gene score Average mean 35479097 Urothelial Cancer; Melanoma
Angiogenesis Angiogenesis Average mean 29867230 Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Teffector T-effector response Average mean 29867230 Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Myeloid_inflammatory Myeloid inflammatory gene expression signatures Average mean 29867230 Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
IFNG_Sig IFNG-response gene expression signature Average mean 29150430 Melanoma
TLS Gene signature associated with tertiary lymphoid structures Weighted mean 31942071 Melanoma
MSKCC Signature constructed based on the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center ICI cohort Weighted mean 34421886 Bladder Cancer
LMRGPI Lipid metabolism-related gene prognostic index Weighted mean 35582412 Urothelial Cancer
PRS Pyroptosis-related risk score Weighted mean 35085103 Breast Carcinoma
Stemness_signature Stemness-relevant prognostic gene signature Weighted mean 35681225 Colorectal Cancer;Urothelial Cancer;Melanoma
GRIP Genes related to both inflammation and pyroptosis Weighted mean 35492358 Melanoma
IPS Immune prognostic signature Weighted mean 32572951 Glioblastoma
Tcell_inflamed_GEP T cell-inflamed gene expression profile Weighted mean 30309915 Pan-tumor
DDR DNA damage response Z-score; PCA 29443960 Urothelial Cancer
CD8Teffector CD8 T effector Z-score; PCA 29443960 Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma
CellCycleReg Cell cycle regulator gene set Z-score; PCA 29443960 Urothelial Cancer
PanFTBRs Pan tissue fibroblast TGF-ฮฒ response signature Z-score; PCA 29443960 Urothelial Cancer
EMT1 Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition signature 1 Z-score; PCA 29443960 Urothelial Cancer
EMT2 Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition signature 2 Z-score; PCA 29443960 Urothelial Cancer
EMT3 Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition signature 3 Z-score; PCA 29443960 Urothelial Cancer


sig_res <- score_biomk(MEL_GSE78220)
โ€ƒIn this matrix, the columns represent the signature scores, and the rows denote the sample names.
##               IRS          tGE8     MEMTS  PRGScore Angiogenesis  Teffector
## SRR3184279  1.142 -0.1274466254 11.940531 11.771754    13.484165  3.1620737
## SRR3184280  0.563 -0.2455777711  2.942161 15.670362     4.718858  2.4850581
## SRR3184281  0.002 -0.2939281368  7.624309  6.816627     8.210066  2.3183895
## SRR3184282  0.673 -0.6286860863 12.379746 12.612995     3.466574  1.3979274
## SRR3184283  1.142 -0.5815497283  7.371334  6.633541     5.090331  0.6548324
## SRR3184284  0.178 -0.5199876731  7.142007  5.804861     4.044871  2.1538591
## SRR3184285  1.142 -0.4435026383  4.701351 13.242594     6.753375  1.4941546
## SRR3184286  1.142  0.0247948123 11.944323 16.733508     5.829289  3.2385169
## SRR3184287  0.483 -0.6093308999 13.386835  4.038779    12.556777  0.2898800
## SRR3184288  0.978 -0.5721122027 12.341645  7.804835    12.991586  0.4104385
## SRR3184289 -0.153  0.3179526130  9.868764 16.361679    16.475330  5.8068096
## SRR3184290  1.142 -0.2112894772 17.120574  7.901416    18.544065  5.9687710
## SRR3184291  0.647 -0.2246103754 11.037060 12.285773     4.101229  2.3418387
## SRR3184293  0.178 -0.4445736563  3.502348  7.806506     1.116110  1.3780202
## SRR3184294 -0.927  4.2997061585  8.799417 37.257834     4.160336 24.3030619
## SRR3184295  0.766  0.2893208324 11.202873 14.826802    17.870372  4.2952791
## SRR3184296  0.766  0.0922226574  8.417918 12.755647    13.464519  4.5893147
## SRR3184297  0.068  0.0006039458 12.279312 17.480623     3.324207  5.2497422
## SRR3184298 -0.282  0.1014041880  5.494192 19.969046     4.096930  3.9572014
## SRR3184299  0.094 -0.3306502913  5.900445 13.145733     1.934650  1.5245628
## SRR3184300  1.365 -0.5966846648  3.025450 10.208271    14.647850  1.5278598
## SRR3184301  0.673  0.1562774235  5.668299 13.787251     3.984429  4.4077161
## SRR3184302  0.952 -0.4878345506  5.036720  8.087117     6.113358  2.4108979
## SRR3184303  1.175 -0.5120525308 12.718229  5.550579     8.257533  0.6931763
## SRR3184304  1.142 -0.2146564598 13.498657 12.107371     6.090359  2.6757308
## SRR3184305  0.647 -0.3030426880  4.506788 15.700597     1.185254  2.4191943
## SRR3184306  0.187  0.9173511615  4.878808 26.143796     4.544727  8.8775902
##            Myeloid_inflammatory   IFNG_Sig        TLS      MSKCC    LMRGPI
## SRR3184279            1.0387236  53.557553  12.915505  -7.359213 2228.2565
## SRR3184280           12.5713176  58.944631  10.167293  -5.301346 1995.6762
## SRR3184281            0.2850853  13.038679   4.112142  -6.058954  389.2787
## SRR3184282            0.2398302   7.214410   1.189567  -9.994039  711.2312
## SRR3184283            1.4416500  13.734622  25.598985  -8.526128 1227.0611
## SRR3184284            0.9009998   7.478617   6.002477  -7.427001 1108.5554
## SRR3184285           14.4184585  29.185365   4.655421  -6.597305 2060.4087
## SRR3184286            1.3936457  22.239602   7.665335 -12.556601 1570.2545
## SRR3184287           10.1350623  15.243892  26.373111  -9.463943 3115.7273
## SRR3184288            1.1661599  12.086776   2.749075  -7.165436 6622.5043
## SRR3184289            3.0921195 140.828609  19.711734  -9.099641 4762.2341
## SRR3184290           10.2093485  17.081297   6.390681 -10.891821 4260.5843
## SRR3184291           11.4705920  23.884921   5.595248  -6.737246 2346.6850
## SRR3184293            1.0430889  25.300356   7.496732  -7.901521  732.6875
## SRR3184294            1.5226401  71.407357  23.872684  -6.593064  448.9391
## SRR3184295            3.6507347  82.897006  15.510554  -8.787397 1289.2336
## SRR3184296            9.4160121  30.453679   8.590768  -6.104721 1495.6680
## SRR3184297            0.1214514  51.329264   6.230481  -9.162395  456.2589
## SRR3184298            0.6266078  55.996400   6.512297 -11.382099 1195.3969
## SRR3184299            0.2881308  33.255712   3.458758 -12.201856  626.8247
## SRR3184300           10.5246139  10.526540  11.048209  -5.439693 6965.1493
## SRR3184301            1.0215001  33.060018  16.997479 -10.657366  317.0471
## SRR3184302            0.9821260   9.197015   3.462501  -4.161005 1602.2385
## SRR3184303            2.0218686   9.692717   2.326838 -11.425945 1955.7707
## SRR3184304            3.0919466  21.606968   4.344373  -8.418186 1146.6345
## SRR3184305            0.4213449  13.765030   2.669343  -5.821114  506.0899
## SRR3184306            1.5901618  65.185269 352.070341 -17.961746  776.7463
##                  PRS Stemness_signature      GRIP       IPS Tcell_inflamed_GEP
## SRR3184279  65.64614          6.0551307 0.7086824 11.968088          2.5122324
## SRR3184280  48.09594          0.6347839 0.3318125  7.610523          1.8561422
## SRR3184281  51.95532         10.8826249 0.1079182 40.114020          1.1043452
## SRR3184282  53.21504          0.5174279 0.7894171  1.216898          1.4095208
## SRR3184283  35.56187          3.1279351 0.2258769  5.557282          0.9858985
## SRR3184284  43.48133          1.2896477 0.5710363  3.358411          0.6684792
## SRR3184285  48.26292          3.3684499 0.3071354 28.515524          0.9053413
## SRR3184286  56.22087          9.1048007 0.5117116 12.905714          1.9154800
## SRR3184287  59.74546          4.9152321 0.4100044 67.712721          0.6420798
## SRR3184288  56.08383          2.8460659 0.4089724 24.906047          0.9800455
## SRR3184289  78.14104          6.5724987 0.4878133 21.561503          2.6782935
## SRR3184290  91.18922          6.0947345 0.4023069 34.593054          1.5020027
## SRR3184291  47.85892          1.5540122 0.3056658 18.890261          1.3345470
## SRR3184293  29.13646          2.0998963 1.0319277 11.190063          0.9089890
## SRR3184294  84.70110          2.0782220 0.5243760 14.328041          9.7224509
## SRR3184295  78.40198          6.9836082 0.4056731 17.217759          3.0515033
## SRR3184296  58.83162          2.5230547 0.3465551 15.716402          1.9470141
## SRR3184297  60.97359          3.9215207 0.3233180 30.681658          2.3443459
## SRR3184298  70.20240          1.2193907 0.3635129  5.833457          3.5044841
## SRR3184299  52.61078          0.6038819 0.2964016  2.655690          1.9560381
## SRR3184300 238.46248          0.7878857 0.1440482  6.586125          0.4794043
## SRR3184301  57.80541          2.2348079 0.1844206 10.864492          2.2706593
## SRR3184302  36.28359          3.3680218 0.6856813  9.693200          1.2748896
## SRR3184303  57.34977         17.4874321 0.3597441 27.285943          0.9915240
## SRR3184304  63.41676          2.6713151 0.4259503  7.565359          1.7037176
## SRR3184305  30.89488          1.0163282 0.5628645  3.387794          1.2979521
## SRR3184306  94.58496          2.8473755 0.2749565 48.883193          4.6277454
##                   DDR CD8Teffector CellCycleReg    PanFTBRs       EMT1
## SRR3184279 -0.1975844   0.18568449    0.1893995 -0.21084908 0.19653441
## SRR3184280 -0.1915641   0.22239930    0.2128977 -0.21192319 0.19491950
## SRR3184281 -0.1949043   0.22718870    0.2093351 -0.21394746 0.19079958
## SRR3184282 -0.1979084   0.15267379    0.2102159 -0.20981667 0.19649051
## SRR3184283 -0.1828094   0.01990807    0.2182126 -0.20434785 0.19273395
## SRR3184284 -0.1899734   0.22455493    0.1867713 -0.19124966 0.19548481
## SRR3184285 -0.1928915   0.22023056    0.2148923 -0.21580511 0.19318426
## SRR3184286 -0.1976339   0.21349610    0.1983098 -0.18235451 0.19645178
## SRR3184287 -0.1895723   0.12582645    0.1797330 -0.07789503 0.19536573
## SRR3184288 -0.1854981   0.08131488    0.1899819 -0.20374203 0.19557528
## SRR3184289 -0.2011675   0.22262781    0.1449800 -0.04490327 0.19486434
## SRR3184290 -0.1908081   0.17288617    0.1616639 -0.11617947 0.19558674
## SRR3184291 -0.1932547   0.22474075    0.2144560 -0.20991059 0.19559778
## SRR3184293 -0.1656256   0.17609773    0.2163997 -0.21410889 0.19608374
## SRR3184294 -0.1978316   0.21934150    0.1706078 -0.21464499 0.19575590
## SRR3184295 -0.2012071   0.22251676    0.1949373 -0.12477122 0.19602983
## SRR3184296 -0.1894981   0.18912942    0.1524055 -0.19277433 0.19567387
## SRR3184297 -0.1930148   0.20284639    0.1964675 -0.21293053 0.19567933
## SRR3184298 -0.1960135   0.22265583    0.1935689 -0.20042117 0.19641906
## SRR3184299 -0.1947792   0.21965300    0.1918343 -0.19794594 0.19645731
## SRR3184300 -0.1965829   0.20929758    0.1176218 -0.21420376 0.09200499
## SRR3184301 -0.1964928   0.22206368    0.2105635 -0.21445934 0.19569386
## SRR3184302 -0.1848634   0.15431025    0.1793152 -0.21428410 0.19609495
## SRR3184303 -0.1969067   0.09703136    0.2147835 -0.13999062 0.19409875
## SRR3184304 -0.1955291   0.22397810    0.1701928 -0.21493569 0.19397346
## SRR3184305 -0.1866733   0.18566219    0.2174461 -0.21262036 0.19571413
## SRR3184306 -0.1921057   0.17167210    0.1962221 -0.19336206 0.19601393
##                   EMT2       EMT3
## SRR3184279 -0.21999489 0.22368777
## SRR3184280 -0.19427188 0.25123034
## SRR3184281 -0.22460166 0.04031939
## SRR3184282 -0.17621775 0.12836018
## SRR3184283 -0.14874344 0.23743344
## SRR3184284 -0.15836417 0.19684673
## SRR3184285 -0.21875967 0.25953850
## SRR3184286 -0.22425060 0.25674730
## SRR3184287 -0.13749826 0.19659773
## SRR3184288 -0.15804581 0.08880141
## SRR3184289 -0.23235635 0.24175944
## SRR3184290 -0.14660386 0.06552324
## SRR3184291 -0.21928083 0.22340912
## SRR3184293 -0.22048507 0.21131955
## SRR3184294 -0.16567045 0.06541941
## SRR3184295 -0.21647219 0.17629116
## SRR3184296 -0.23015242 0.19765431
## SRR3184297 -0.05907203 0.18270602
## SRR3184298 -0.14745456 0.24405227
## SRR3184299 -0.08584916 0.19203458
## SRR3184300 -0.20418504 0.03081705
## SRR3184301 -0.22348333 0.23091879
## SRR3184302 -0.22320867 0.25571116
## SRR3184303 -0.14165774 0.11139717
## SRR3184304 -0.23293684 0.21767458
## SRR3184305 -0.22391943 0.22951677
## SRR3184306 -0.21247507 0.01099541

โ€ƒColumns represent signatures and rows represent sample.

3.5 Assess the performance of signature

โ€ƒBy employing the roc_biomk() function, you can assess the performance of built-in and custom signatures in different datasets. โ€ƒThe function will generate a roc object and a curve to assess the predictive performance.

sig_roc <- 
          method = "Weighted_mean",
## Call:
## roc.default(response = data[[2]]$response, predictor = value)
## Data: value in 33 controls (data[[2]]$response N) < 40 cases (data[[2]]$response R).
## Area under the curve: 0.8364

โ€ƒ33 observed non-responders and 40 observed responders are included in this analysis โ€ƒ
